
NFC Adapter

NFC Adapter provides access to the NFC device to perform device related operations. All properties and methods should be used after activate. Besides supported and isActive. ## Enabling the API In order to use this API you must include the following extension in your build.yml :::ruby extensions: [“nfc”]

If you are building a Windows Mobile or Windows CE app with this API, you must set your app_type as "rhoelements" in your build.yml as shown [here](../guide/build_config#other-build-time-settings).



Activates the NFC device so that all the NFC operations will be executed.

Synchronous Return:

  • Void

Method Access:

  • Class Method: This method can only be accessed via the API class object.
    • JavaScript: Rho.Adapter.activate()
    • Ruby: Rho::Adapter.activate()
(CallBackHandler callback)

Connects the Bluetooth device to obtain device properties.


  • callback : CallBackHandler Mandatory

Async Callback Returning Parameters: HASH

    • btName : STRING

      Device name.

    • btAddress : STRING

      Device MAC address.

Synchronous Return:

  • Void : this method also supports async callbacks - check the Callback tab for callback return parameters.

Method Access:

  • Class Method: This method can only be accessed via the API class object.
    • JavaScript: Rho.Adapter.btConnect(CallBackHandler callback)
    • Ruby: Rho::Adapter.btConnect(CallBackHandler callback)

Disconnects the Bluetooth device.

Synchronous Return:

  • Void

Method Access:

  • Class Method: This method can only be accessed via the API class object.
    • JavaScript: Rho.Adapter.btDisconnect()
    • Ruby: Rho::Adapter.btDisconnect()

Gets the NFC device capabilities.

Synchronous Return:

  • HASH :

    Return hash with capabilities.

    • operatingModesSupported : ARRAY

      • Object : STRING

        Possible Values :

        Constant: Rho::Adapter.NFC_P2P (For Ruby use "::" for all "." when referencing constants)
        String: 1
        Constant: Rho::Adapter.NFC_Reader_Writer (For Ruby use "::" for all "." when referencing constants)
        String: 2
        Constant: Rho::Adapter.NFC_CE (For Ruby use "::" for all "." when referencing constants)
        String: 3
        Constant: Rho::Adapter.NFC_CE_UICC (For Ruby use "::" for all "." when referencing constants)
        String: 4
        Constant: Rho::Adapter.NFC_CE_SE (For Ruby use "::" for all "." when referencing constants)
        String: 5
        Constant: Rho::Adapter.NFC_CE_Host (For Ruby use "::" for all "." when referencing constants)
        String: 6
        Constant: Rho::Adapter.Multiple_NDEFMessages (For Ruby use "::" for all "." when referencing constants)
        String: 7
        Constant: Rho::Adapter.NFC_LLCP (For Ruby use "::" for all "." when referencing constants)
        String: 8
        Constant: Rho::Adapter.NFC_SNEP (For Ruby use "::" for all "." when referencing constants)
        String: 9
        Constant: Rho::Adapter.NFC_NPP (For Ruby use "::" for all "." when referencing constants)
        String: 10
        Constant: Rho::Adapter.NFC_BT_StaticHandover (For Ruby use "::" for all "." when referencing constants)
        String: 11
        Constant: Rho::Adapter.NFC_BT_DynamicHandover (For Ruby use "::" for all "." when referencing constants)
        String: 12
    • tagsSupported : ARRAY

      Array with tag types - only those tags will be detected.

      • Object : STRING

        Possible Values :

        Constant: Rho::Adapter.MiFareUL (For Ruby use "::" for all "." when referencing constants)
        String: 1
        Constant: Rho::Adapter.MiFareStd (For Ruby use "::" for all "." when referencing constants)
        String: 2
        Constant: Rho::Adapter.MifareULC (For Ruby use "::" for all "." when referencing constants)
        String: 3
        Constant: Rho::Adapter.ISO14443_4A (For Ruby use "::" for all "." when referencing constants)
        String: 4
        Constant: Rho::Adapter.ISO14443_4B (For Ruby use "::" for all "." when referencing constants)
        String: 5
        Constant: Rho::Adapter.ISO15693 (For Ruby use "::" for all "." when referencing constants)
        String: 6
        Constant: Rho::Adapter.FeliCa (For Ruby use "::" for all "." when referencing constants)
        String: 7
        Constant: Rho::Adapter.Jewel (For Ruby use "::" for all "." when referencing constants)
        String: 8
        Constant: Rho::Adapter.Desfire (For Ruby use "::" for all "." when referencing constants)
        String: 9
        Constant: Rho::Adapter.MiFarePlus (For Ruby use "::" for all "." when referencing constants)
        String: 10
        Constant: Rho::Adapter.NXPIcode (For Ruby use "::" for all "." when referencing constants)
        String: 11
        Constant: Rho::Adapter.Topaz (For Ruby use "::" for all "." when referencing constants)
        String: 12
        Constant: Rho::Adapter.Calypso (For Ruby use "::" for all "." when referencing constants)
        String: 13
        Constant: Rho::Adapter.TITagIt (For Ruby use "::" for all "." when referencing constants)
        String: 14
    • formattingTagsSupported : ARRAY

      Array with tag types - only those tags will be detected. See above tagsSupported parameter.

      • Object : STRING

    • writeProtectedTagsSupported : ARRAY

      Array with tag types - only those tags will be detected. See see above tagsSupported parameter.

      • Object : STRING

    • firmwareVersion : STRING

      This array has only one element.

      • Object : STRING

Method Access:

  • Class Method: This method can only be accessed via the API class object.
    • JavaScript: Rho.Adapter.getDeviceInfo()
    • Ruby: Rho::Adapter.getDeviceInfo()

Resets the NFC device to default configuration. Pollingtime will set to 90, passkey to empty string.

Synchronous Return:

  • Void

Method Access:

  • Class Method: This method can only be accessed via the API class object.
    • JavaScript: Rho.Adapter.reset()
    • Ruby: Rho::Adapter.reset()
(CallBackHandler callback)

Register callback for config change. If you change properties like pollingTimeout, passkey then callback will fire.


  • callback : CallBackHandler Mandatory

Async Callback Returning Parameters: HASH

    • passKey : STRING

      Bluetooth device pass key.

    • pollingTimeout : INTEGER

      Polling timeout in seconds of the NFC device.

Synchronous Return:

  • Void : this method also supports async callbacks - check the Callback tab for callback return parameters.

Method Access:

  • Class Method: This method can only be accessed via the API class object.
    • JavaScript: Rho.Adapter.setConfigChangeHandler(CallBackHandler callback)
    • Ruby: Rho::Adapter.setConfigChangeHandler(CallBackHandler callback)
(CallBackHandler callback)

Register callback for Message receive.


  • callback : CallBackHandler Mandatory

Async Callback Returning Parameters: HASH

    • messageId : STRING

      Message Id.

Synchronous Return:

  • Void : this method also supports async callbacks - check the Callback tab for callback return parameters.

Method Access:

  • Class Method: This method can only be accessed via the API class object.
    • JavaScript: Rho.Adapter.setMessageHandler(CallBackHandler callback)
    • Ruby: Rho::Adapter.setMessageHandler(CallBackHandler callback)
(ARRAY tagsToBeDetected, CallBackHandler callback)

Register callback for Tag detection.


  • tagsToBeDetected : ARRAY

    Array with tag types - only those tags will be detected. If empty array - all types. See below tagsSupported parameter in getDeviceInfo method.

    • Object : INTEGER

  • callback : CallBackHandler Mandatory

Async Callback Returning Parameters: HASH

    • tagId : STRING

      Tag Id.

Synchronous Return:

  • Void : this method also supports async callbacks - check the Callback tab for callback return parameters.

Method Access:

  • Class Method: This method can only be accessed via the API class object.
    • JavaScript: Rho.Adapter.setTagDetectionHandler(ARRAY tagsToBeDetected, CallBackHandler callback)
    • Ruby: Rho::Adapter.setTagDetectionHandler(ARRAY tagsToBeDetected, CallBackHandler callback)
(CallBackHandler callback)

Stops the NFC device.


  • callback : CallBackHandler Optional

Synchronous Return:

  • Void : this method also supports async callbacks - check the Callback tab for callback return parameters.

Method Access:

  • Class Method: This method can only be accessed via the API class object.
    • JavaScript: Rho.Adapter.stop(CallBackHandler callback)
    • Ruby: Rho::Adapter.stop(CallBackHandler callback)


: BOOLEAN Read Only

Gets a value indicating whether or not the NFC device is currently active.

Property Access:

  • Instance: This property can be accessed via an instance object of this class:
    • myObject.isActive

Bluetooth device pass key. Max of 6 characters, empty string is no Passkey (Default is No Passkey). The property is enabled after NFC engine activation.

Property Access:

  • Instance: This property can be accessed via an instance object of this class:
    • myObject.passkey

Polling timeout in seconds of the NFC device. 0 - timeout disabled, default: 90. The property is enabled after NFC engine activation.

Property Access:

  • Instance: This property can be accessed via an instance object of this class:
    • myObject.pollingTimeout
: BOOLEAN Read Only

Return true if NFC supported on this device.

Property Access:

  • Instance: This property can be accessed via an instance object of this class:
    • myObject.supported
: STRING Read Only

Gets the version of the NFC stack.

Property Access:

  • Instance: This property can be accessed via an instance object of this class:
    • myObject.version