• Getting Started
  • Source Adapters
  • Source Adapter Ruby APIs
  • Source Adapter JS APIs
  • Plugins
  • Push Sync
  • Administration
  • Deployment
  • Advanced Topics
  • Clients
  • Hosted Services
  • Vendor Adapters
Warning Older Docs! - You are viewing documentation for a previous released version of RhoMobile Suite.

Migrating your application to RhoConnect 4.0

The best way of migrating your old RhoConnect app to Rhoconnect 4.0+ is to re-generate the application skeleton using Rhoconnect, then integrate all of your implementation specifics into it. However, if you prefer to migrate your RhoConnect app manually, perform the steps in this document.

Upgrading dependency manifest

Open the Gemfile of your application and find the rhoconnect line, it should look something like:

gem 'rhoconnect', '3.4.4'

Change this to the latest release version, which you can find on rubygems.org, for example if it is 4.0.1:

gem 'rhoconnect', '4.0.1'

Run the following command from the root application directory:

$ bundle install

Now update your application’s RhoConnect dependency manifest:

$ rhoconnect update

Migrating application files

If you have an existing RhoConnect application using version < 4.0 and want to upgrade it to RhoConnect 4.0+, then you need to update the Gemfile file to properly use the latest RhoConnect runtime dependencies.

First, follow the instructions described in the previous section.

Next, make sure your Gemfile looks like the following example, replacing the version as necessary. The rhoconnect update command will generate a reference Gemfile.new which you can use to replace your Gemfile:

source 'http://rubygems.org'

gem 'rhoconnect', '<put correct version here>'
gemfile_path = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), ".rcgemfile")

rescue Exception => e
    puts "ERROR: Couldn't read RhoConnect .rcgemfile"
    puts e.message
    exit 1

# DON'T FORGET to add your application specific gems after this line ...
# ...

You must update config.ru, Rakefile, ‘application.rb’ and your source adapter files to match RhoConnect 4.0+ gem requirements.

Replace your existing config.ru with the listing below. Save your old config.ru since you will use values within it in the new config.ru.

# config.ru file

#!/usr/bin/env ruby
require 'rhoconnect/application/init'

# secret is generated along with the app
# Substitute 'REPLACE_ME' string by the Rhoconnect::Server.set :secret value from your old config.ru
Rhoconnect::Server.set     :secret, 'REPLACE_ME'

# !!! Add your custom initializers and overrides here !!!
# For example, uncomment the following line to enable Stats
#Rhoconnect::Server.enable  :stats
# uncomment the following line to disable Resque Front-end console
#Rhoconnect.disable_resque_console = true
# uncomment the following line to disable Rhoconnect Front-end console
#Rhoconnect.disable_rc_console = true

# run RhoConnect Application
run Rhoconnect.app

And replace your existing Rakefile with the following:

require 'rubygems'
require 'bundler/setup'
require 'rhoconnect'
require 'resque/tasks'

ROOT_PATH = File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__))

task 'resque:setup' do
  # The number of redis connections you want a job to have
  Rhoconnect.connection_pool_size = 1
  require 'rhoconnect/application/init'

  Resque.after_fork do

Move your existing application.rb file into controllers/ruby/application_controller.rb and update it with the following:

class ApplicationController < Rhoconnect::Controller::AppBase
    register Rhoconnect::EndPoint

    post "/login", :rc_handler => :authenticate,
             :deprecated_route => {:verb => :post, :url => ['/application/clientlogin', '/api/application/clientlogin']} do
        login = params[:login]
        password = params[:password]

    get "/rps_login", :rc_handler => :rps_authenticate,
                    :login_required => true do
        login = params[:login]
        password = params[:password]

You must remove `initializer` method from the ApplicationController class. It is no longer supported.
If you had `store_blob` method overridden in the `application.rb` file - you will need to move it into the corresponding model class. Global `store_blob` method is no longer supported.

See below for details.

Re-generate your sources by running ‘rhoconnect source YOUR_SOURCE’ command for all of your application sources. This will create source’s controller files in the controllers/ruby directory and source’s model files in the models/ruby directory. After that, move your existing files from the sources directory into the models/ruby directory, replacing the generated model files. Then, modify every file to make sure that your SourceAdapter classes now derive from the Rhoconnect::Model::Base class - SourceAdapters now became Models:

class Product < Rhoconnect::Model::Base
    # .... rest of your code

If you had global store_blob method in the application.rb file - you need to move it into every model’s class that supports blobs:

class Product < Rhoconnect::Model::Base
    # ... your code here ....
    def store_blob(object, field, blob)

If you had source spec files in the spec/sources directory - you will need to move them into spec/models/ruby directory and adjust the top line of each spec file:

require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__),'..','..','spec_helper')

Finally, run bundle install to install any missing dependencies in your RhoConnect directory:

$ bundle install

Updating client application

RhoConnect’s HTTP routes have changed starting with 4.0, so you’ll want to update your client application’s rhoconfig.txt to drop the trailing /application, for example:

# sync server url, typically this will look like 'http://<hostname>:<port>'
# for example: 'http://localhost:9292'
syncserver = ''

Next, modify your client application according to the new client API docs. Be sure to check out the guides periodically as new content is added all the time.

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