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Collecting Runtime Stats

RhoConnect provides a simple stats rack middleware for collecting runtime information on your application. These stats are accessible from the REST API and some default graphs are available from the web console.

Enabling Stats

To enable stats in your RhoConnect application, simply turn on the stats middleware by editing config.ru:

Rhoconnect::Server.enable  :stats

A complete config.ru might look like:

require 'rhoconnect/application/init'

# secret is generated along with the app
Rhoconnect::Server.set     :secret,      'my_secret'

# !!! Add your custom initializers and overrides here !!!
Rhoconnect::Server.enable  :stats

# run RhoConnect Application
run Rhoconnect.app

Now just restart your rhoconnect application:

$ rhoconnect restart

And navigate to the ‘Statistics’ tab in your RhoConnect console:

$ rhoconnect web

Stats Console

You should see graphs, organized by categories:

RhoConnect statistics are organized into the following categories:

  • User Count - # of users stored in redis

  • Device Count - # of devices currently registered with RhoConnect

  • HTTP Timing - # average HTTP request time by URL

  • Source Timing - # average source adapter execution time by method

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