Using RhoConnect

RhoConnect is the part of RhoMobile Suite that synchronizes data between a server and a mobile application. It consists of two parts: RhoConnect Server, which interfaces with your back-end systems and/or database, and RhoConnect Client, integrated in RhoMobile by means of the RhoConnectClient API.

Adding data synchronization via RhoConnect to your RhoMobile application is as simple as enabling the :sync flag in your models. This triggers the internal sync system to synchronize data for the model and transparently handle bi-directional updates between the application and the RhoConnect server. By default, the system will automatically keep your data updated in the background but the provided RhoConnectClient class allows you to trigger the sync process programmatically and offers fine-grained control of which models to sync.


Before you can make use of RhoConnectClient on the device, you need to include the rhoconnect-client extension in your build.yml

extensions: ["rhoconnect-client"]

This extension is added to all newly generated RhoMobile applications by default. If it is missing in yours, you can add it manually.


The first step in making use of RhoConnect is to authenticate with the RhoConnect server using the RhoConnectClient.login method.

Ruby syntax: :::ruby Rho::RhoConnectClient.login(‘guest’, ‘password’, url_for(:action => :login_callback))

def login_callback
    error_code = @params['error_code'].to_i
    if error_code == Rho::RhoError::ERR_NONE
        # login success, start sync
        if error_code == Rho::RhoError::ERR_CUSTOMSYNCSERVER
            # application defined error message
            msg = @params['error_message']
        if not msg or msg.length == 0
            msg =

        # do something for the login error

JavaScript syntax: :::javascript Rho.RhoConnectClient.login(‘guest’, ‘password’, function(result) { var errorCode = parseInt(result.error_code); if (errorCode == Rho.RhoError.ERR_NONE) { // login success, start sync Rho.RhoConnectClient.doSync(); } else { var errorMessage = result.error_message; // do something for the login error } });

Setting up notifications

RhoConnectClient uses notifications to provide information about the sync process to the application: which model is currently being processed, how many items have been completed and how many remain. Notifications can be setup once for the entire application lifetime or each time a sync is triggered; your application can use this information to provide feedback to the user displaying different indicators, progress bars etc.

To setup notifications for a model

Ruby syntax: :::ruby def sync_notify # handle the notification end

# Request notifications for the "Account" model
Rho::RhoConnectClient.setNotification('Account',  url_for(:action => :sync_notify))    

JavaScript syntax: :::javascript function syncNotify(params) { // handle the notification } Rho.RhoConnectClient.setNotification(‘Account’, syncNotify);

You can also set notifications for all models at once:

Ruby syntax: :::ruby Rho::RhoConnectClient.setNotification(‘*’, url_for(:action => :sync_notify))

JavaScript syntax: :::javascript Rho.RhoConnectClient.setNotification(‘*’, syncNotify);

Controlling synchronization programmatically

Call the RhoConnectClient.doSync method to start the sync process

Ruby syntax: :::ruby # start the RhoConnectClient sync process Rho::RhoConnectClient.doSync()

# start sync process with status popup

# dont show status popup and pass parameters to sync server
Rho::RhoConnectClient.doSync(false, "param1=abc")

# sync only sources that have local changes 
Rho::RhoConnectClient.doSync(false, "", true)

JavaScript syntax: :::javascript // start the sync process Rho.RhoConnectClient.doSync();

// start sync process with status popup

// dont show status popup and pass parameters to sync server
Rho.RhoConnectClient.doSync(false, "param1=abc");

// sync only sources that have local changes 
Rho.RhoConnectClient.doSync(false, "", true);

Use the doSyncSource method to start the sync process for only one source

Ruby syntax: :::ruby # start the RhoConnectClient sync process Rho::RhoConnectClient.doSyncSource(‘Account’)

# start sync process with status popup
Rho::RhoConnectClient.doSyncSource('Account', true)

# dont show status popup and pass parameters to sync server
Rho::RhoConnectClient.doSyncSource('Account', false, "param1=abc")

JavaScript syntax: :::javascript // start the sync process for given source Rho.RhoConnectClient.doSyncSource(‘Account’);

// start sync process with status popup
Rho.RhoConnectClient.doSyncSource('Account', true);

// dont show status popup and pass parameters to sync server
Rho.RhoConnectClient.doSyncSource('Account', false, "param1=abc");

Handling Notifications

RhoConnectClient returns information about the ongoing synchronization via the notification callback in the form of a hash.

The below parameters are included in all notifications:

  • source_id – The id of the current model that is synchronizing.
  • source_name – Name of the model (i.e. “Account”)
  • sync_type – Type of sync used for this model: “incremental” or “bulk”
  • status – Status of the current sync process. See below for the possible values:

Additionally, depending on the value of status, additional information will be present:

Status “in_progress”

The parameters returned for in_progress status vary according to the sync type

“incremental” sync parameters

  • total_count – Total number of records that exist for this RhoConnect source.
  • processed_count – Number of records included in the sync page.
  • cumulative_count – Number of records processed so far for this source.

“bulk” sync parameters

  • partition – Current bulk sync partition.
  • bulk_status – The state of the bulk sync process as a hash with the below values:
    • start – Bulk sync has started for a specific partition
    • download – Bulk sync file download has started
    • change_db – New bulk sync database change has started
    • blobs – Bulk sync blob files have started to download
    • ok – Current partition has completed
    • complete – All partitions have completed

Status “error”

  • error_code – HTTP response code of the RhoConnect server error: 401, 500, 404, etc.
  • error_message – Response body (if any)
  • server_errors – Hash of Type objects of RhoConnect adapter error (if exists):
    • login-error – An error in adapter login method
    • query-error – An error in adapter query method
    • create-error – An error in adapter create method
    • update-error – An error in adapter update method
    • delete-error – An error in adapter delete method
    • logoff-error – An error in adapter logoff method
    • unknown-client-error - An error wherein the server cannot find the client ID.

Each error contains a message key with the error message. For example:

Ruby syntax: :::ruby err_msg = @params[“server_errors”][“query-error”][“message”]

JavaScript syntax: :::javascript var errMsg = params[“server_errors”][“query-error”][“message”];

Status “ok”

  • total_count – Total number of records that exist for this RhoConnect source.
  • processed_count – Number of records included in the last sync page.
  • cumulative_count – Number of records processed so far for this source.

Status “complete”

This status is returned only when the synchronization is complete (all partitions are done synchronizing).

Status “schema-changed”

This value is present if a FixedSchema model has changed during the current sync run. A new bulk sync run should be triggered (by setting RhoConnectClient.bulksyncState to 0 followed by a call to RhoConnectClient.doSync) and the user should be alerted in the UI.

Using search

If you have a large dataset in your backend service, you can use the method to perform a server-side search and receive the models that match your query, without having to fetch the whole dataset.

this method is available for Ruby only.

Ruby syntax: :::ruby { ‘Account’, :from => ‘search’, :search_params => { :FirstName => ‘FirstName’, :LastName => ‘LastName’ }, :offset => 0, :max_results => 10 }, url_for(:action => :search_callback) )

def search_callback
    status = @params["status"]
    if (status == "ok")
        # success, local database will contain the matching records
        # search error 

Stopping Synchronization

Call the RhoConnectClient.stopSync method to stop any sync operations currently in progress.

Ruby syntax: :::ruby Rho::RhoConnectClient.stopSync

JavaScript syntax: :::javascript Rho.RhoConnectClient.stopSync();

Logging out

To logout the user from the RhoConnect server and remove the local user session, use the RhoConnectClient.logout method.

Ruby syntax: :::ruby Rho::RhoConnectClient.logout

JavaScript syntax: :::javascript Rho.RhoConnectClient.logout();

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