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  • Developing Apps
  • Data Handling
  • Device Capabilities
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  • Extending
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Controlling WebView behavior

What is WebView?

WebView is the RhoMobile component responsible for rendering your application’s HTML interface, showing it to the user and allowing them to interact with the application that normally occupies most of the screen.

At its core, WebView is a web browser, capable of making requests both to the embedded server that runs your application as well as any other server that speaks HTTP. It can execute modern JavaScript code and libraries such as JQuery and JQuery Mobile, both of which are included by default in new projects (see below for platform-specific limitations regarding JavaScript). You can expect it to support the same features as the default browser of each platform, including AJAX, hardware-accelerated rendering, cookies, etc.

The two types of WebView available

There are two implementations of WebView available. The default implementation (native_browser) delegates all rendering and interaction to the native browser component provided by the operating system; that means on iOS, it will behave like Safari, on Android it uses the same engine as the browser included with the device, etc.

The native browser in Windows Mobile, however, is too limited for today’s web development standards. If you need more power than what Pocket Internet Explorer provides, there is an alternative implementation of WebView, developed by Zebra which you can enable in your build.yml file, by adding the motorola_browser capability.

    - motorola_browser

While the Zebra browser is also available for Android, its use is discouraged in RhoMobile 5.0 and intended only for Windows Mobile.

Note: Although this alternative implementation is capable of supporting modern features, performance will be limited by the underlying hardware.

Note: In RhoMobile 2.0 and prior, using the Zebra browser was the only way to access RhoElements (licensed) APIs from your application but, this is no longer the case. Except on Windows Mobile, all APIs, licensed or not are available in the default browser.

Communication between WebView and Ruby code

A Rhodes application works very similarly to a traditional web browser + web server scenario, only with both components running on the same device. There are times, however, when it is convenient for code in one language to interact with the other; WebView provides ways to enable two-way communication between Ruby and JavaScript code.

Calling JavaScript from Ruby

In a typical MVC scenario, once a request is received, your Ruby code will process it and end by returning a view for WebView to render. Instead of (or in addition to) that, Ruby code can invoke any JavaScript function present on the current page by calling executeJavaScript.

Rho::WebView.executeJavaScript("alert('This alert was called from Ruby')")

Any valid JavaScript code can be used in executeJavaScript, but if the code is built dynamically or contains expansions or data from the user, care must be taken to escape it properly.

For example, if any of your parameters can contain newline characters (\n), semicolons (;), quotes or any other special characters, they must be escaped or the call may not work. Therefore, it is a good practice to escape all parameters being passed to JavaScript functions.

# This will not work if message contains \n

# We must escape newlines for passing to JavaScript
message = message.to_json

# Now this will work even if message contains \n

You are not limited to single values, using this syntax you can also pass hashes with as many parameters as necessary. Given the following JavaScript function:

function greet_user(params) {
    alert("Hello, "+params["name"]+", welcome to "+params["place"]);

You would call it from Ruby by sending a hash with the appropriate keys:

greeting_parameters = {
    :name => 'John Doe',
    :place => 'RhoMobile'


Note: The JavaScript code you call must have been loaded before your ruby code executes. It is not enough for it to be on the same view that is going to be rendered when the action returns, it has to be already in the page, that is, it must have been included by the previous action. In practice this means that JavaScript code you intend to call from Ruby cannot be called from the same action that loads it the first time. To avoid this pitfall, you should reference JavaScript files from layout.erb so that the code is available at all times. Including <script> tags in views is discouraged.

To clarify the above note, let’s say we have a list action in a controller and there is a JavaScript function notify_user we are interested in calling

Controlling navigation

There are several ways to control WebView and direct it to open a particular view or URL:

One is with regular HTML links, whether built with the url_for helper or not

<a href="<%= url_for :action => :list_products %>">List products</a>

<a href="http://example.com">Navigate to example.com</a>

It is also possible to use JavaScript code to change window.location just like in an ordinary browser

<a onclick="window.location='http://example.com'">Visit example.com</a>

Inside an action method (witihn a controller), you can return return a redirect instead of rendering a view

def redirect_to_different_action
    # do some work here
    # ...
    # redirect when done
    redirect :action => :another_action

Using WebView.navigate allows you to navigate to a different URL, whether it belongs to the application or not

def navigate_somewhere_else
    # do some work here
    # ...
    # load a different page
    Rho::WebView.navigate(url_for(:action => :another_action))

As with all APIs starting with RhoMobile 4.0, a JavaScript version is available too:

function navigate_somewhere_else {
    // do some work here
    // ...
    // navigate to another action of the Product model

Note: Some APIs accept a callback function that will be invoked when a result value becomes available. For example, the Barcode API will invoke the callback when the scanner detects a barcode. Within a callback function, the only valid approach to navigate to a different page is WebView.navigate. Using redirect will not work inside a callback.


WebView operates like a traditional browser in many aspects, and the ability to use cookies is one of them. Setting a cookie works very similarly to a regular browser: you must specify which URL(s) the cookie applies to, and the values the cookie will contain.

Be careful when using cookies for authentication purposes. Your server should never blindly trust that a cookie contains valid data, cookies must be considered “user-supplied input” and be treated as unsafe values until they are sanitized and validated like any other input.

# Set a cookie valid for requests to http://example.com

# Set a cookie valid for requests to http://example.com and all its subdomains
# Note the leading dot in .example.com

# Set a cookie valid for requests to a subfolder http://example.com/testcookies

setCookie is also available using JavaScript:

// Set a cookie valid for requests to http://example.com

// Set a cookie valid for requests to http://example.com and all its subdomains
// Note the leading dot in .example.com

// Set a cookie valid for requests to a subfolder http://example.com/testcookies

Having more than one WebView: Integration with NativeTabbar

By default, a Rhodes application contains only one WebView component. However, the NativeTabbar API allows you to have multiple WebViews coexisting simultaneously, although only one will be visible at any particular time. Due to memory and performance constraints on mobile devices, it is not recommended to open more WebViews than strictly necessary, but the possibility is there to have more than one if you need it.

All methods in the WebView API affect the WebView that is current (visible) at the time of the call. However, they also accept an optional parameter that specifies which WebView you want to manipulate. For example, if we wanted to redirect the second WebView to a different page when an action completes, our earlier example would change from

def navigate_somewhere_else
    # do some work here
    # ...
    # load a different page on the current WebView
    Rho::WebView.navigate(url_for(:action => :another_action))


def navigate_somewhere_else
    # do some work here
    # ...
    # load a different page on the second WebView
    Rho::WebView.navigate(url_for(:action => :another_action),1)

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