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Adapter Jobs with Resque

RhoConnect uses the resque library for managing and executing asynchronous jobs. Using async jobs are especially useful when your application requires processing large amounts of data, pinging devices using the built-in push support, or you just want to perform some task that will take a long period of time.

Async Job Types

RhoConnect supports three job types: BulkDataJob, PingJob, SourceJob


Bulk Data jobs are used by RhoConnect to prepare the bulk sync data files. These jobs are automatically queued by the RhoConnect application, so it is not necessary to queue them manually.


Ping jobs are used to execute a device ping. A PingJob can be queued from anywhere in your RhoConnect application (i.e. at the end of another job or adapter query method).


    "user_id" => current_user.login,
    "message" => "New products available!", 
    "badge" => 1, 
    "sources" => ['Product']


Source jobs are used to execute source adapter queues asynchronously.

To make your source adapters always run asynchronously, define a queue in settings/settings.yml:

  :queue: product

Then run a resque worker so the job will execute.

Example that queues a new source adapter job manually:


Running Async Jobs

Running RhoConnect jobs requires one or more resque workers running. For example, to start one resque worker listening for all job queues:

$ cd <your rhoconnect app>
$ QUEUE=* rake resque:work

To start multiple workers(in this case 5):

$ cd <your rhoconnect app>
$ QUEUE=* COUNT=5 rake resque:workers

For more information on the options available when running resque workers, please refer to the resque readme.

If you want to run resque workers in daemon mode, we recommend using nohup, god, or monit:

$ mkdir log/; touch log/resque_worker_QUEUE.log # if it doesn't exist
  $ nohup QUEUE=* rake resque:work & &> log/resque_worker_QUEUE.log
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