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Signature Decoder

The Signature Decoder is used to enable or disable the Signature decoder.


signature (Decoder) <META> Syntax

<META HTTP-Equiv="scanner" content="Signature:[parameter]">

signature JavaScript Object Syntax:
By default the JavaScript Object 'scanner' will exist on the current page and can be used to interact directly with the signature.
To Set signature parameters via JavaScript use the following syntax: scanner.Parameter = Value;

e.g. scanner.signature = Value;
Signature Ruby Object Syntax:
By default the Ruby Object 'Scanner' will exist on the current page and can be used to interact directly with the Signature.
To Set Signature parameters via Ruby use the following syntax: Scanner.Parameter = Value

e.g. Scanner.signature = Value


Items listed in this section indicate parameters, or attributes which can be set.

Name Possible Values Description Default Value
signature:[Value] enabled / Disabled Enables / Disables the Signature decoder. The barcode will be returned as a Data URI object with a jpeg mime type, you should specify the barcodeDataFormat and dataBufferSize parameters accordingly. Device specific


RhoElements Version 2.1 or above
Supported Devices All supported devices except: Android.
Minimum Requirements Scanner and device that supports the Signature decoder.
Persistence Transient - Decoder settings are only guaranteed to persist until the Scanner is disabled

HTML/Javascript Examples

The following example enables the scanner to read only Signature barcodes:

<META HTTP-Equiv="scanner" Content="allDecoders:disabled">
<META HTTP-Equiv="scanner" Content="Signature:enabled">
<META HTTP-Equiv="scanner" Content="barcodeDataFormat:binary;dataBufferSize:5000">
<META HTTP-Equiv="scanner" Content="enabled">

Ruby Examples

The following example displays the signature panel with the default values:

def display
    SignatureCapture.visibility = 'visible'

To call the this function from HTML, use the following code:

<li onclick="display();">Display signature panel</li>

Where ‘display()’ is a JavaScript function which looks like:

function display() {
    $.get('/app/SignatureCapture/display', { });
    return false;

The following example displays the signature panel at the bottom of the screen with a pen color and a background color, attaches a signature save event to save the signature event. This function can be called from HTML in a similar fashion to the one described above.

def displayWithParams

    #Get the width
    width = System::get_property('screen_width')
    #and the height of the screen
    height = System::get_property('screen_height')


    #Position the signature panel at the bottom of our page

    SignatureCapture.signatureSaveEvent = url_for(:action => :signatureSaveEventListener)
    #Remember to create the 'Signatures' folder under the root of the device before executing this function! 
    SignatureCapture.destination = "url('file://\\Signatures\\sig1.bmp')"    

The ‘signatureSaveEventListener’ is a function that looks like:

def signatureSaveEventListener
    WebView.execute_js("setFieldValue('Signature saved under Signatures folder in root');")

And the ‘setFieldValue’ is a JavaScript function that sets the inner HTML of a div to the value received in the arguments.

The following function triggers a signature save and fires the ‘signatureSaveEvent’. The signature is saved as a bitmap in the directory specified in the signature destination:

def save

The following function clears the signature panel:

def clear
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