Warning Older Docs! - You are viewing documentation for a previous released version of RhoMobile Suite.

Bulk Sync

During the initial sync process in your applcation, you may need to deliver a large number of objects. This may result in many megabytes of data being sent to the device. In this case, incremental synchronization may take a while to complete since it uses JSON as the wire format. To significantly speed up this process you may use RhoSync’s “bulk sync” feature.

Bulk Sync Process

If and when the Rhodes application issues a request to get bulk data, the RhoSync application will do following:

  • Queue a resque background job which will run the bulk sync process.

  • Execute the ‘login,'query’,‘logoff’ methods of all source adapters matching the requested data partition to get latest set of objects from the backend service

  • Generate appropriate database files for the device - hsqldb for Blackberry and sqlite for the rest of them. RhoSync will generate sqlite files for iOS, Android, and Windows Mobile clients and hsqldb files for Blackberry (if enabled).

  • The Rhodes application will poll RhoSync for the bulk sync job to finish. Once the job is finished, the files are generated and Rhodes will download and install them to the device.

Be cautious using this in your application - any previous set of objects on the device will be replaced with the latest set from the backend service.

Once the bulk data sync process is complete for a source, you may continue to synchronize sources using the default incremental sync process. However, the default sync process may be disabled for a source by setting its sync_type to ‘bulk_sync_only’. This will save space in your redis database if you don’t plan on using incremental sync for this source.

For example, your settings/settings.yml might have:

    poll_interval: 300
    poll_interval: 300
    sync_type: bulk_sync_only


Enabling Bulk Sync in Rhodes

In the device rhodes application, setting bulksync_state to 0 in rhoconfig.txt will trigger bulk sync next time sync is performed:

bulksync_state = 0

After application executed bulk sync it will set bulksync_state to 1 and next time sync will happen, it will not execute bulk sync anymore. You may force bulk sync on the next sync cycle by setting bulksync_state to 0 again using ruby in your application:

Rho::RhoConfig.bulksync_state = '0'

Enabling BlackBerry Bulk Sync

If your application will be performing bulk sync for BlackBerry devices, you will need to install the open source Rhomobile HSQLDB tool hsqldata.jar in your RhoSync application.

  1. Download hsqldata.

  2. Build and install hsqldata.jar into your RhoSync application:

      $ cd hsqldata
     $ ant
     $ mkdir <path-to-rhosync-app>/vendor
     $ cp bin/hsqldata.jar <path-to-rhosync-app>/vendor/
  3. Next set the :blackberry_bulk_sync: flag in settings/settings.yml:

       :licensefile: settings/license.key
       :redis: localhost:6379
       :syncserver: http://localhost:9292/application/
       :blackberry_bulk_sync: true

Data Files

By default, bulk sync data files will be stored in the application’s root folder, under a ‘data’ directory. When bulk data is requested by the Rhodes application, RhoSync will return a link to the file if the bulk_sync_poll_interval has not expired. If the file is expired, RhoSync will return a wait command to Rhodes and enqueue another resque job to generate new bulk data files. By default, the bulk_sync_poll_interval is set to 1 hour (3600) seconds and is configurable in settings.yml:

  :redis: localhost:6379
  :licensefile: settings/license.key
  :syncserver: http://localhost:9292/application/
  :bulk_sync_poll_interval: 3600

Using Bulk Sync with Fixed Schema Models

If your Rhom model is a fixed schema model and you use bulk sync, you can control the bulk sync schema at runtime in your source adapter by implementing the ‘schema’ method.

This method must return a JSON string. This JSON string is sent to the Rhodes application and used to dynamically build the database schema.

An example schema method is as follows:

def schema
    'version' => '1.0',
    'property' => {
      'name' => 'string',
      'brand' => 'string',
      'price' => 'string',
      'image_url_cropped' => 'blob,overwrite',
      'image_url' => 'blob'
    'index' => {
      'by_name_brand' => 'name,brand'
    'unique_index' => {
      'by_price' => 'price'
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