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RhoSync Generator and Rake Tasks

RhoSync Generator

The rhosync utility is a command line tool for generating RhoSync applications and sources.

Generate an Application

The app name is passed as a parameter. The rhosync utility will generate a directory for your application with all the necessary files to get started. We will start with running rhosync app to see the usage:

Usage: rhosync app [options] [args]

Generates a new rhosync application.

  name        - application name

Options specific for this generator:

General options:
    -p, --pretend                    Run, but do not make any changes.
    -f, --force                      Overwrite files that already exist.
    -s, --skip                       Skip files that already exist.
    -d, --delete                     Delete files that have previously been generated with this generator.
        --no-color                   Don't colorize the output
    -h, --help                       Show this message
        --debug                      Do not catch errors

For example:

$ rhosync app storeserver
Generating with app generator:
     [ADDED]  storeserver/config.ru
     [ADDED]  storeserver/settings/settings.yml
     [ADDED]  storeserver/settings/license.key
     [ADDED]  storeserver/application.rb
     [ADDED]  storeserver/Rakefile
     [ADDED]  storeserver/spec/spec_helper.rb

Here’s a basic rundown of each of the files that were just generated:

  • config.ru - This is a rackup file which will load your application. RhoSync uses the excellent sinatra web framework to run the application.
  • settings/settings.yml - This contains settings such as your redis connection, which source adapters exist and their parameters. You can also put custom settings here.
  • settings/license.key - The RhoSync license associated with your application. The default license allows up to 10 devices to synchronize with the application.
  • application.rb - The RhoSync application class where you can implement authentication. You can also add other custom methods here to use in your application. This class is a singleton, so all methods should be added to the class << self block.
  • Rakefile - This contains tasks that can be run from the terminal.
  • spec/spec_helper.rb - A helper file which loads the environment for running specs.

Add a New Source Adapter

To generate a source for your RhoSync application, run the rhosync source command:

Usage: rhosync source [options] [args]

Generates a new source adapter.

  name        - source name(i.e. product)

Options specific for this generator:

General options:
    -p, --pretend                    Run, but do not make any changes.
    -f, --force                      Overwrite files that already exist.
    -s, --skip                       Skip files that already exist.
    -d, --delete                     Delete files that have previously been generated with this generator.
        --no-color                   Don't colorize the output
    -h, --help                       Show this message
        --debug                      Do not catch errors

For example:

$ cd storeserver
$ rhosync source product
Generating with source generator:
     [ADDED]  sources/product.rb
     [ADDED]  spec/sources/product_spec.rb

This generates a source adapter file product.rb and corresponding rspec file product_spec.rb. If you choose, you can use this spec to implement the source adapter.

Rake Tasks

Each RhoSync application uses rake to manage development tasks such as starting/stopping the app, starting resque workers, and running specs.

To run a RhoSync rake task, simply type rake the-task-to-run in your RhoSync application’s root directory.

Installing DTach (Mac OS / Linux only)

If you’re using MacOS / Linux, install dtach on your path before running any of the rake tasks. DTach is a simple utility which runs processes in a detached state so you can re-attach your console later.

$ cd storeserver
$ rake dtach:install

Setup Redis

Next, you will need to setup and start a redis server:

$ rake redis:install
$ rake redis:start

Start the Application

Now, start the application!

$ rake rhosync:start

If everything went well, you should see the following in your console:

[02:37:03 PM 2011-01-06] Rhosync Server v2.1.1 started...

To open the web console, navigate to http://localhost:9292/ in your browser or run:

$ rake rhosync:web

Common Tasks

RhoSync applications come with many useful rake tasks for administrative and development workflows. Some common ones are:

  • rake dtach:install - (Mac OS / Linux only) This will install dtach to /usr/local/bin.

  • rake redis:install - This will install to the system. On Mac OS / Linux, it will attempt to install in ‘/usr/local/bin’ (on windows, C:\redis-), unless you have specified a REDIS_HOME to use instead.

  • rake rhosync:set_admin_password - Set the RhoSync administrator password. The default password is blank ‘’.

  • rake rhosync:get_token - Get a RhoSync API token to use for calling the RhoSync REST API.

On Mac OS / Linux, you need to install dtach (i.e. by running rake dtach:install) to run the following tasks:

  • rake redis:start - This will launch a redis server in a new console.

  • rake redis:stop - Stop the currently-running redis server.

  • rake redis:attach - (Mac OS / Linux only) Attach to a currently-running redis server.

  • rake rhosync:start - Start the RhoSync application in a new console. This requires a running redis server.

  • rake rhosync:stop - Stop the currently-running RhoSync application.

  • rake rhosync:attach - (Mac OS / Linux only) Attach to a currently-running RhoSync application.

  • rake rhosync:clean_start - Useful for development, resets and bootstraps the RhoSync application with a test user.

Some other useful development tasks:

  • rake rhosync:reset - Reset the RhoSync application to the initial state. This WILL DELETE ALL DATA IN REDIS! So be sure you don’t run this in production!

  • rake rhosync:spec - Run all source adapter specs in spec/sources/.

  • rake rhosync:web - Open the RhoSync web console in a browser.

Here is a complete list of the rake tasks available in a RhoSync application:

$ cd storeserver
$ rake -T
(in ~/storeserver)
rake dtach:about                 # About dtach
rake dtach:install               # Install dtach 0.8 from source
rake redis:about                 # About redis
rake redis:attach                # Attach to redis dtach socket
rake redis:download              # Download package
rake redis:install               # Install the latest verison of Redis from Github (requires git, duh)
rake redis:restart               # Restart redis
rake redis:start                 # Start redis
rake redis:stop                  # Stop redis
rake resque:work                 # Start a Resque worker
rake resque:workers              # Start multiple Resque workers.
rake rhosync:attach              # Attach to rhosync console
rake rhosync:clean_start         # Clean rhosync, get token, and create new user
rake rhosync:create_user         # Creates and subscribes user for application in rhosync
rake rhosync:delete_device       # Deletes a device from rhosync
rake rhosync:delete_user         # Deletes a user from rhosync
rake rhosync:flushdb             # Flush data store - WARNING: THIS REMOVES ALL DATA IN RHOSYNC
rake rhosync:get_token           # Fetches current api token from rhosync
rake rhosync:reset               # Reset the rhosync database (you will need to run rhosync:get_token afterwards)
rake rhosync:reset_refresh       # Reset source refresh time
rake rhosync:restart             # Alias for `rake rhosync:stop; rake rhosync:start`
rake rhosync:set_admin_password  # Sets the admin password
rake rhosync:spec                # Run source adapter specs
rake rhosync:start               # Start rhosync server
rake rhosync:stop                # Stop rhosync server
rake rhosync:web                 # Launch the web console in a browser - uses :syncserver: in settings.yml
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