• Introduction
  • Dev Environment Setup
  • Developing Apps
  • Data Handling
  • Device Capabilities
  • Testing & Debugging
  • Extending
Warning Older Docs! - You are viewing documentation for a previous released version of RhoMobile Suite.

Push notifications

What push notifications are and when to use them

Traditionally, client/server applications work based on a request/response cycle: The client sends a request to the server and the server sends back a response (the client is said to pull information from the server) but there was normally no way for the server to send (push) arbitrary information to the client without outside of a regular request cycle.

Push notifications solve this problem: they are a way for the server to initiate a connection and send information to a client whenever an event of interest happens. This mechanism allows for updates to be delivered almost in real-time instead of having to wait for the next synchronization.

Depending on how they are implemented and delivered, there are two types of push notifications:

  • Native push notifications (Android, iOS), provided by the mobile operating system and third party infrastructure (Google / Apple)
  • RhoConnect Push Service, built into RhoConnect Server and deployed in your choice of cloud and/or traditional server provider.

This difference is particularly important on Android because Android’s native notifications require accessing Google services (in particular, Google Cloud Messaging) which are linked to the Google Play Store. Enterprise devices may not include the Play Store so if you are deploying your application to the Enterprise Tablet or other professional-grade Android devices, be aware that Google Cloud Messaging may not be available and you will need to use RhoConnect Push Service instead.

In order to choose one or the other, you need to think about:

  • The devices your application will be deployed to, whether they can support platform-specific notifications or not (whether they include the Google Play Store). Be aware that RhoConnect Push Service is not available on iOS.
  • Data protection / compliance with regulatory limitations in specific industries. For example, a law firm could be legally required to never send any of its data to a third party like Google or Apple. In cases like this, RhoConnect Push Service offers a way to keep all parts of the infrastructure under your control, with everything running on your own servers.

Setting up your app for native push notifications

You only need to complete one of the setup sections, either “native” (this section) or “RhoConnect Push Service” depending on which delivery backend you want to use. If you are not sure, check what push notifications are and when to use them. Once you have completed one of these, proceed to Integrating push notifications in a RhoMobile app.

Native iOS notifications

Native iOS notifications use Apple’s Push Notification Service (APNS) for delivery.

You need an Apple iOS Developer account and a real device in order to use native push notifications in iOS. Testing on the iOS Simulator is not possible due to Apple’s restrictions.

The following checklist contains the steps required to enable native push in iOS:

  • Sign up for an iOS Developer account if you do not have one already
  • Create an APNS certificate in Apple’s Developer Portal
  • Install the APNS certificate in RhoConnect
  • Update a provisioning profile in Developer Portal, download it and install it in your iOS device

See Setting Up RhoConnect Push on iOS for detailed information on how to complete these operations.

Once completed, proceed to Integrating push notifications in a RhoMobile app

Native Android notifications

Native Android notifications use Google Cloud Messaging (GCM) for delivery. The following checklist must be completed in order to integrate your RhoConnect server with GCM:

  • Create a Google API Project
  • Enable the GCM Service
  • Obtain an API key. Preferably, you will get at least one key for development and another for production, and limit the accepted IP addresses of the production key to those of your server(s)
  • Add the API key(s) to settings/settings.yml in RhoConnect as :gcm_api_key
  • Add the Google API Project number as the sender to build.yml in your RhoMobile app
  • Optionally, if you want notifications to be visible to the user, configure build.yml to always display notifications or to do so only if the application is not running when the notification is received

See Setting Up RhoConnect Push on Android for the details on how to complete these steps.

Once completed, proceed to Integrating push notifications in a RhoMobile app

Setting up your app for RhoConnect Push Service notifications

You only need to complete one of the setup sections, either this section (“RhoConnect Push Service”) or “Setting up your app for native push notifications”, depending on which delivery backend you want to use. If you are not sure, check what push notifications are and when to use them. Once you have completed one of these, continue with Integrating push notifications in a RhoMobile app.

If you cannot use platform-specific notifications for whatever reason, RhoConnect Push Service still allows you to use push notifications in your app. See Setting Up RhoConnect Push Service for more information on how to set up this solution. Be aware that RhoConnect Push Service is not available on iOS.

Integrating push notifications in a RhoMobile app

Once the server-side infrastructure is ready, reacting to push notifications in RhoMobile is really easy: just use the Push API to register a callback that will be invoked when a notification is received.

Each notification can contain one or more commands to be performed:

  • data source synchronization
  • text alert
  • sound alert
  • vibration

When your code receives a notification, inspect the params hash and process the different commands, such as in the following example:


def setup_push
    Rho::Push.startNotifications(url_for(:action => :push_callback))

def push_callback

    # If the notification contains a message, it will be in the alert parameter
    if @params['alert']
      Rho::Notification.showPopup("Push notification received with message: #{@params['alert']}")

    sources_to_sync = @params['do_sync'] # comma-separated list of data sources we must sync, or "all"
    if sources_to_sync
      if sources_to_sync=="all" # if the notification tells us to sync all sources, we will do just that
      else # otherwise, we will sync only those sources mentioned in the notification
        sources_to_sync.split(",").each do |source|


function setup_push_manual() {

function push_callback(params) {
    // If the notification contains a message, it will be in the alert parameter
    if (params.alert) {
      Rho.Notification.showPopup("Push notification received with message: "+params.alert);

    var sources_to_sync = params.do_sync; // comma-separated list of data sources we must sync, or "all"

    if (sources_to_sync) {
      if (sources_to_sync=="all") { // if the notification tells us to sync all sources, we will do just that
      } else { // otherwise, we will sync only those sources mentioned in the notification
        var sources = sources_to_sync.split(",");
        for (var i=0; i<sources.length; i++) {

Testing push notifications

Once both your RhoConnect server and RhoMobile application are set up to work with push notifications, you can easily test them from the RhoConnect Web Console or from the command line:

curl -X POST -H "X-RhoConnect-API-TOKEN: my-rhoconnect-token" --data "user_id=user1&message=Hello+user&sources[]=all&vibrate=2000" http://localhost:9292/rc/v1/users/ping


  • my-rhoconnect-token is a placeholder from the RhoConnect API token found in settings/settings.yml (and which you must change, before deployment in production, to a secret value)
  • user1 is the name of a user that has logged in successfully to the RhoConnect server
  • message is an optional text string that will be shown to the user when the notification is received
  • all means that, on receipt of this notification, the RhoMobile application should synchronize all its data sources. See below for an example of more fine-grained notifications
  • localhost:9292 is the location of your RhoConnect server

Requesting synchronization of only one particular model (Product):

curl -X POST -H "X-RhoConnect-API-TOKEN: my-rhoconnect-token" --data "user_id=user1&message=Hello+user&sources[]=Product&vibrate=2000" http://localhost:9292/rc/v1/users/ping

Requesting synchronization of two models (Product and Customer):

curl -X POST -H "X-RhoConnect-API-TOKEN: my-rhoconnect-token" --data "user_id=user1&message=Hello+user&sources[]=Product&sources[]=Customer&vibrate=2000" http://localhost:9292/rc/v1/users/ping

When you are satisfied that your notifications are working, see Setting up Push on a Backend Application for examples of how to send notifications from Ruby, Java, .NET, RhoConnect source adapters and Resque jobs

Limitations and best practices

  • While push notifications normally arrive in a very short amount of time (usually less than a few seconds), delivery is done on a “best effort” basis and there is no guarantee that any notification will be received within a particular timeframe or at all. Additionally, a device might not have a network connection available at a particular time. In that case, notifications may be queued, but they will eventually expire if they cannot be delivered for too long. Limits are platform-dependant.

  • Push notifications are not intended to be a data-delivery channel, that is, you should push the minimum possible amount of data and, if the application requires more information, it should request it from the server. In particular, do not expect to embed large strings in the message field. Some platforms have a hard limit on the size of a notification, and it varies by platform. Keep your payload as small as possible; for example, Apple limits the size of a notification to 256 bytes, of which some are used internally by RhoMobile. Treat notifications as “triggers” and initiate transfers from your application or use the built-in facilities to request synchronization of data sources.

  • Push notifications are not a good approach for commands that need to run at known, predictable intervals. If you want to synchronize data periodically with a RhoConnect server, use the built-in poll_interval parameter in RhoConnect or set up scheduling in your RhoMobile application.

  • As mentioned above, enterprise-grade Android devices may not include the libraries required to use native notifications. On those devices, use RhoConnect Push Service instead.

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