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RhoConnect.js API Reference

RhoConnect.js API is implemented as public fields of a global RhoConnect object. Those are methods and ERRORS hash.

If you have properties in the class, list and define them here.


Returns a jQuery promise object.

Authenticates the RhoConnect application on the server. On success, the done handler is called. On failure, the fail handler is called with the following arguments:

  • errCode - The error code value from RhoConnect.ERRORS.
  • errorMessage - More detailed error message if available.

The syntax and parameters are as follows.

RhoConnect.login(username, password, doDataReset)
username The user name to authenticate with.
password The password to authenticate with.
doDataReset (optional) Boolean. If true, do a database reset before login. Default value is false.


function loginRhoConnect(username, password) {
    return $.Deferred(function(dfr){
        // login with username, password, and a DB reset
        RhoConnect.login(username, password,
                new RhoConnect.SyncNotification(), true /*do db init*/).done(function(){
            // Init DB for the user on success
            initRhoconnect(username, false).done(function(){
            }).fail(function(errCode, err){
                alert('DB init error: ' +errCode);
                dfr.reject(errCode, err);
        }).fail(function(errCode, err){
            //alert('RhoConnect login error: ' +errCode);
            dfr.reject(errCode, err);


Performs rhoconnect.js and data API initialization.

Returns a jQuery promise object. On success, the done handler is called. On failure, the fail handler is called with the following arguments:

  • errCode - The error code value from RhoConnect.ERRORS.
  • errorMessage - More detailed error message if available.

The syntax and parameters are as follows.

RhoConnect.init(modelDefinitions, dataApiType, syncProgressCallback)
modelDefinitions Model definitions array. See Getting Started for a sample.
dataApiType (optional) - A string value: 'extjs', 'persistencejs', or 'custom' or null.

'extjs' - Do initialize ExtJS/SenchaTouch data API to use as application data storage.
'persistencejs' - Do initialize Persistence.js data API to use as application data storage.
'custom' or null - Don't initialize any data API, perform data API initialization in custom code.
syncProgressCallback (optional) Progress update callback function to use. Receives the argument notificationBody, which is a hash with the following fields.
sourceName The name of model just synchronized.
totalCount The total *objects* count for the *model*.
processedCount The number of *objects* that have been processed so far for a *model* may be *0* if all objects have already been processed.
status Is undefined while *inProgress* value is *true*. When finished it is a string value:
"ok" - Synchronization of exact model has been performed without errors.
"error" - Errors happened during synchronization process.
errorCode Code of synchronization error. Is undefined if no errors happened. Look at RhoConnect.ERRORS description for details.
errorMessage Synchronization error message. Is undefined if no errors happened.


// RhoConnect.js initialization
function initRhoconnect(username, doReset) {
    return RhoConnect.init(modelDefinitions, 'persistencejs', doReset);

modelDefinitions is a hash, such as:

var modelDefinitions = [
            name: 'User',
            fields: [
                {name: 'username',      type: 'string'},
                {name: 'email',         type: 'string'},
                {name: 'first_name',    type: 'string'},
                {name: 'last_name',     type: 'string'},
                {name: 'title',         type: 'string'},
                {name: 'company',       type: 'string'},
                {name: 'created_at',    type: 'string'},
                {name: 'updated_at',    type: 'string'}


Disconnects the RhoConnect application from the server.

Returns a jQuery promise object. On success, the done handler is called. On failure, the fail handler is called with the following arguments:

  • errCode - The error code value from RhoConnect.ERRORS.
  • errorMessage - More detailed error message if available.

The syntax is as follows.



Returns true if the application is logged in on the server.



Synchronizes that application data with the RhoConnect server.

Returns a jQuery promise object. On success, the done handler is called. On failure, the fail handler is called with the following arguments:

  • errCode - The error code value from RhoConnect.ERRORS.
  • errorMessage - More detailed error message if available.

The syntax is as follows.



function sync(){
        alert('sync successful');
    }).fail(function(errCode, err){
        alert('Data sync error: ' +errCode);


Returns the hash of data access objects which are data API specific. The returned hash contains:

  • key - model name.
  • value - An instance of one of the following objects.
  • Ext.data.Store - for ‘extjs’ type of data API
  • model - for ‘persistencejs’ type of data API

The syntax is as follows.



function pull_data(model) {
    // passed a model name, returns hash of data access objects.
    var store = RhoConnect.dataAccessObjects()[model];

    current_model = model;
    persistence.loadFromRhoConnect(function() {


Set the handler for the exact model synchronization notification.

RhoConnect.setModelNotification(modelName, callback, removeAfterFire)
modelName Name of the model to listen for notifications.
callback Handler function. Receives the only argument of notificationBody, which is a hash with the following fields.
sourceName The name of the model just synchronized.
totalCount The total number of objects for the model.
processedCount The number of objects that have been processed so far for a model. 0 if all the objects have already been processed.
status Is undefined while inProgress is True. When finished, it is a string value.
"ok" if the synchronization of the exact model has been performed without errors.
"error" if errors happened during the synchronization process.
errorCode Code of synchronization error. Undefined if no errors happened. Look at the RhoConnect.ERRORS description for details.
errorMessage Synchronization error message. Undefined if no errors happened.
removeAfterFire Clear notification subscription after notification event if true. The same if handler function returns true.


Resets the handler for the model synchronization notification.

modelName Name of the model to reset the handler.


Sets the handler for all models synchronization notifications.

RhoConnect.setAllNotification(callback, removeAfterFire)
callback Handler function. Receives the only argument of notificationBody, which is a hash with the following fields.
inProgress Boolean value. True if synchronization is still in progress, undefined if synchronization is finished.
status Undefined while the inProgress value is true. When synchronization is finished, it is a string value.
"complete" - Synchronization of all models have been performed without errors.
"error" - Errors happened during synchronization process.
errorCode Code of the synchronization error. Undefined if no errors happened. Look at RhoConnect.ERRORS description for details.
errorMessage Synchronization error message. Undefined if no errors happened.
removeAfterFire Clear notification subscription after notification event if true. The same if handler function returns true.


Reset handler for all models synchronization notifications.



Set handler for all object change notifications.

RhoConnect.setObjectsNotification(callback, removeAfterFire)
callback Handler function. Receives the only argument of notificationBody, which is a hash with fields.
updated Array of hashes for updated objects. Every hash object has form of {objectId: objId, sourceId: srcId}, where:
objectId - The id of the updated object.
modelName - The name of the object model.
created Array of hashes for created objects. Every hash object has form of {objectId: objId, sourceId: srcId}, where:
objectId - The id of the updated object.
modelName - The name of the object model.
deleted Array of hashes for deleted objects. Every hash object has form of {objectId: objId, sourceId: srcId}, where:
objectId - The id of the updated object.
modelName - The name of the object model.
removeAfterFire Clear notification subscription after notification event if true. The same if handler function returns true.


Reset the handler for all object change notifications.



Subscribe an object for changes notification.

RhoConnect.addObjectNotify(modelName, objectId)
modelName The name of the object model.
objectId The id of the object.


Unsubscribe all objects from changes notification.



RhoConnect.ERRORS are defined as:

  • ERR_NONE: ‘No error’
  • ERR_NETWORK: ‘Network error’
  • ERR_REMOTESERVER: ‘Remote server access error’
  • ERR_RUNTIME: ‘Runtime error’
  • ERR_UNEXPECTEDSERVERRESPONSE: ‘Unexpected server response’
  • ERR_DIFFDOMAINSINSYNCSRC: ‘Different synchronization domain error’
  • ERR_NOSERVERRESPONSE: ‘No server response’
  • ERR_CLIENTISNOTLOGGEDIN: ‘Client not logged in’
  • ERR_CUSTOMSYNCSERVER: ‘Custom sync server’
  • ERR_UNATHORIZED: ‘Unauthorized access’
  • ERR_CANCELBYUSER: ‘Canceled by user’
  • ERR_SYNCVERSION: ‘Synchronization version error’
  • ERR_GEOLOCATION: ‘Geolocation error’
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