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The MapView class provides an embeddable map interface, similar to the one provided by the Maps application. Click the links below for detailed information about the MapView API methods.

  • create - Create a map on your device.
  • set_file_caching_enable - Enable file caching for map tiles. The file cache can be used for offline map browsing.
  • preload_map_tiles - Preload a map tiles for a region defined by a zoom level range.

MapView Settings

The supported providers are ‘Google’, ‘ESRI’, “RhoGoogle” and “OSM”.

To use ESRI maps in your projects on iPhone:

  • Install ESRI iOS SDK - use default folders during installations !
  • Add “esri” to your applications extensions list in build.yml file.

To use native Google map view on Android:

  • Install Google Add-on API using Android SDK Manager
  • Setup Google Play Map service and create Google Maps V2 API key
  • Add ‘apikey’ parameter and ‘gmaps’ extension to your build.yml

          apikey: <YOUR-GOOGLE-PLAY-API-KEY>
          extensions: [gmaps]
  • Add ‘network_state’ and ‘sdcard’ capabilities to your build.yml.

          - network_state

Map settings in rhoconfig.txt :

  • ESRI_map_url_roadmap - URL of ESRI roadmap tile map server (example: ‘http://server.arcgisonline.com/ArcGIS/rest/services/World_Street_Map/’)
  • ESRI_map_url_satellite - URL of ESRI satellite tile map server (example: ‘http://server.arcgisonline.com/ArcGIS/rest/services/World_Imagery/’)
  • OSM_map_url_roadmap - URL of OSM tile map server (example: ‘http://tile.openstreetmap.org/’)

MapView Examples

The following code in your controller has the map appear on a whole page.

Ruby example:

map_params = {
     :provider => 'Google',
     :settings => {:map_type => "hybrid",:region => [@params['latitude'], @params['longitude'], 0.2, 0.2],
                   :zoom_enabled => true,:scroll_enabled => true,:shows_user_location => false,
                   :api_key => 'Google Maps API Key'},
     :annotations => [{:latitude => @params['latitude'], :longitude => @params['longitude'], :title => "Current location", :subtitle => ""},
                      {:street_address => "Cupertino, CA 95014", :title => "Cupertino", :subtitle => "zip: 95014", 
                       :url => "/app/GeoLocation/show?city=Cupertino"},
                      {:street_address => "Santa Clara, CA 95051", :title => "Santa Clara", :subtitle => "zip: 95051", 
                       :url => "/app/GeoLocation/show?city=Santa%20Clara", :pass_location => true}]
MapView.create map_params

JavaScript example:

var map_params = {
  provider: 'Google',
  settings: {
    map_type: 'hybrid',
    region: [@params['latitude'], @params['longitude'], 0.2, 0.2],
    zoom_enabled: true,
    scroll_enabled: true,
    shows_user_location: false,
    api_key: 'Google Maps API Key'
  annotations: [
    {latitude: @params['latitude'], longitude: @params['longitude'], title: "Current location", subtitle: ""},
    {street_address: "Cupertino, CA 95014", title: "Cupertino", subtitle: "zip: 95014", url: "/app/GeoLocation/show?city=Cupertino"},
    {street_address: "Santa Clara, CA 95051", title: "Santa Clara", subtitle: "zip: 95051", url: "/app/GeoLocation/show?city=Santa%20Clara"}

You can enable file caching for map tiles - file cache can use for offline map browsing.


Preload map tiles for region (0<=zoom<=18): :::ruby def preload_callback puts ‘@@@@@@@@@ Preload Callback STATUS[’+@params[‘status’]+‘] PROGRESS[’+@params[‘progress’]+‘]’ end

  def preload_map
      options = { :engine => 'OSM',
          :map_type => 'roadmap',
          :top_latitude => 60.1,
          :left_longitude => 30.0,
          :bottom_latitude => 59.7,
          :right_longitude => 30.6,
          :min_zoom => 9,
          :max_zoom => 11
      total_tiles_for_preload_count = MapView.preload_map_tiles(options, url_for(:action => :preload_callback))    
      redirect :action => :index


See GeoLocation/controller.rb of system API sample application for some of the examples of how to use MapView class.

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