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System API

Provides access to system information.

For code examples, see Rhodes System API Samples view file and Rhodes System API Samples System Test.

Using JavaScript API

You can call some of the System methods from JavaScript as well as Ruby. To use the JavaScript API, add the public/js/rho_javascript_api.js file – created at build time as part of the application package – to the .html, .erb, or .js file calling the JavaScript method.

The JavaScript API methods with a return value can pass it as a parameter in jQuery-compatible continuation (deferred object, a kind of callback). Possible continuations to handle are done, fail, and complete.

Rho.Class.method(params).done(function(handler) { /* handler... */ })

You must enable JavaScript by putting rho-javascript into extensions in your build.yml.

extensions: ["rho-javascript"]

You must have a RhoElements license to use the JavaScript API.


Get the value of a system property.

Ruby syntax:


JavaScript syntax:


system_property can be any of the properties below:

  • has_camera - is camera available on the device
  • screen_width - screen width in logical pixels (used for set coordinates)
  • screen_height - screen height in logical pixels (used for set coordinates)
  • real_screen_width - screen width in real pixels
  • real_screen_height - screen height in real pixels
  • screen_orientation - screen orientation ‘portrait’, ‘landscape’
  • ppi_x - horizontal PPI (Pixels Per Inch)
  • ppi_y - vertical PPI (Pixels Per Inch)
  • has_network - is device connected to the network
  • has_cell_network - is device connected to the cell network
  • has_wifi_network - is device connected to the wifi network
  • device_owner_email - primary email of phone owner (works only on Android)
  • device_owner_device_owner_name - name(account name) of phone owner (works only on Android)
  • device_id - returns device ID which may be used to receive push messages. This is not phone device id, this is PUSH device id - you should register your phone for PUSH before you get this parameter. Read Push Notification documentation about it. On iPhone, it may be empty right after application started while Rhodes registers to receive PUSH notifications; you should wait till it become non-empty.
  • phone_id - returns hardware based id. It depends on capabilities configured for an application and has to remain same even across application uninstall/install.
  • full_browser - is full browser in the WebView control on Blackberry (see Blackberry browser support in device capabilities for more details)
  • device_name - name of device application running on. Examples: ‘9000’ (BB), ‘iPhone’, ‘dream’ (Android)
  • os_version - version of OS of device. Examples: ‘’ (BB), ‘3.0’ (iPhone), ‘1.6’ (Android)
  • locale - current language like ‘en’, ‘ru’ etc.
  • country - country abbreviation
  • is_emulator - return true if application is running on emulator
  • has_calendar - return true if calendar support is available. By default, Calender db is empty. Please ensuer that you have configured and synced your Email/Calendar prior to this.
  • is_motorola_device – return true if device supports Zebra device capabilities, such as Scanner, etc.


Install an application.

url The url of an application to install on the device.


Returns true if the specified application is installed on the device. See System.run_app for appname information.

url The name of the application.


Uninstall an application. See System.run_app for appname information.

url The name of the application to uninstall.


Exit the application.



Return the command line parameters as a string (iPhone only). Resetting when the application goes to background. If your URLBundle is “myapp” and you open application by url: “myapp:/app/page1”, then start params will be “/app/page1”.



Open the application associated with the URL. Used to prepare for printing.

Ruby syntax:


JavaScript syntax:

url String. Open the application at this url; behavior may be different on different platforms and depend on installed software.

Note: On iPhone, if you post path of local file, then the specific iOS control (UIDocumentInteractionController) where the file will previewed and user will be able to open this file by selected application which supported this filetype.


Run an application.

System.run_app(appname, params)
appname The name of the application on the device to run, such as com.android.music.
params String. List of parameters for the application; nil if no parameters.

iPhone: appname is the same with registered application URL scheme. params is string. Example:

System.run_app('myapp', 'someparams'). 

This call is the same as:


Android: appname is package name: com.<vendor>.<app_name>. For example:

System.run_app('com.rhomobile.store', 'someparams')

Windows Mobile, Windows CE: appname is path in registry: <vendor> <app_name>/<app_name>.exe. For example:

System.run_app('rhomobile store/store.exe', 'someparams')

Windows Desktop: appname is path in registry: <vendor>/<app_name>/<app_name>.exe. For example:

System.run_app('rhomobile/store/store.exe', 'someparams')

Blackberry: appname is <app_name>. For example:

System.run_app('store', 'someparams')


Set application icon badge number – only for iPhone.

badge_number Set the application icon to have this badge number. Set to 0 (zero) to remove badge.


Switch application locale at runtime. This does not change OS Locale, it will change only the LocalizationSimplified locale used in helper methods. See Localization in Device Capabilities for more information.

System.set_locale('es') # set current locale to Spanish

To get current application Locale:

LocalizationSimplified::get_cur_locale #get current application locale
badge_number Set the application icon to have this badge number. Set to 0 (zero) to remove badge.


To use client with the HTTP proxy, you should pass its URL as the first command line argument -http_proxy_url=http://<login>:<passwod>@<host>:<port> (Windows Desktop only), add it to rhoconfig.txt, or call the setter method from Ruby code (only for Windows Mobile, WinCE and Windows Desktop).

url The client url.


Stop using HTTP proxy that was set by the command line, rhoconfig.txt or set_http_proxy_url (only for Windows Mobile, WinCE and Windows Desktop).



Set a network status notification for a callback which receives notifications when the network goes up or down. This callback application can check if there are any local changes and perform a full sync if necessary. Full sync method will be extended with parameter to sync only models with local changes, so sync time will be minimized.

Platforms: iPhone, Android, Windows Mobile, and WinCE.

System.set_network_status_notify(callback, poll_interval)

On iOS, network status is polled with a period specified in the poll_interval parameter. {See Reachability on the Apple developer site](http://developer.apple.com/library/ios/#samplecode/Reachability/Introduction/Intro.html).

On Android, network status changes can be asynchronously monitored via BroadcastReceiver mechanism.

callback The url to the user-defined callback method.
poll_interval iOS. The network status polling period for systems that can not notify network status change immediately. Default value is 20 seconds.

Two parameters are passed to the user-defined callback.

prev_status Previous status of the network connection. Possible values: 'connected', 'disconnected', 'unknown'.
current_status current status of network connection. Possible values: 'connected', 'disconnected', 'unknown'.


Clear network status callback from set_network_status_notify so notifications will not be fired.

Platforms: iPhone, Android, Windows Mobile, and WinCE.



Notify (call a callback method) when the screen rotates.

System.set_screen_rotation_notification(callback_url, params)
callback_url Path to callback method to run when screen rotates.
params Parameters you passed while setting up notification, as well as 'width', 'height', and 'degrees'.


Set to true/false (0/1) to enable/disable phone sleeping. For iOS, Android, and Blackberry.



Register push callback, the method to call upon receiving a push message.

System.set_push_notification(url, url_params, push_client)
url URL of the callback method. If empty, unregisters rhoconnect-push.
url_params string with optional params which will be added to callback URL.
push_client string with name of a push service client. Current values can be 'rhoconnect_push' or 'gcm' or 'legacy' or empty. If empty, then the call will be applied to every push client. (Not implemented on bb and wp7)


Change application window position and size. Implemented only for Windows desktop.

x Left corner of window.
y Top corner of window.
width Width of window.
height Height of window.


Change application window position. Implemented only for Windows desktop.

x Left corner of window.
y Top corner of window.


Change application window size. Implemented only for Windows desktop.

width Width of window.
height Height of window.


Lock/unlock the window size change by the user. Implemented only for Windows desktop.

locked true if locked, flals if unlocked.


Ruby syntax:


JavaScript syntax:

local_path_to_zip String. The path to the file to be zipped.


Zip one file to a specified zip.

Ruby syntax:

System.zip_file(local_path_to_zip, local_path_to_file, password)

JavaScript syntax:

Rho.System.zip_files(local_path_to_zip, local_path_to_file, password)
local_path_to_zip String. The path to the specified zip.
local_path_to_file String. The path to the file to be zipped.
password String. Optional. Password for the zip.


Zip several files to a specified zip.

Ruby syntax:

System.zip_files(local_path_to_zip, base_path, array_of_files_to_be_zipped, password)

JavaScript syntax:

Rho.System.zip_files(local_path_to_zip, base_path, array_of_files_to_be_zipped, password)
local_path_to_zip String. The path to the specified zip.
base_path String. Base path to the files to be zipped.
array_of_files_to_be_zipped Array of strings. An array of files to be zipped.
password String. Optional. Password for the zip.
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